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How to send special chars(Extended Charset)?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:00 pm
by okmenn
I need to send extended chars as | ^ € { } [ ~ ] \ without using unicode because when I use unicode message maxlength becomes much shorter than initial 160 chars, so one message is splitted in two or more messages, and that has a cost.

Is there any solution?

Thank you a lot.

GSM 03.38 / ASCII Encoder

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:56 pm
by BenEllis
Use the below function to generate your ShortMessageBytes and change the DataEncoding to ASCII (GSM03.38).

i.e. req.ShortMessageBytes = GSMEncode("!£$%^&*()€");

public static byte[] GSMEncode(string PlainText)
// ` is not a conversion, just a untranslatable letter.
// x0D should be CR but this causes double linefeed on
// some phones so has been removed.
const string strGSMTable =
"@£$¥èéùìòÇ\nØø`Åå" +
" !\"#¤%&'()*+,-./" +
"0123456789:;<=>?" +
"¿abcdefghijklmno" +

const string strExtendedTable =
"````````````````" +
"````^```````````" +
"````````{}`````\\" +
"````````````[~]`" +
"|```````````````" +
"````````````````" +
"`````€``````````" +

using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
foreach (char cPlainText in PlainText.ToCharArray())
if (cPlainText != '`') // Ignore `
int intGSMTable = strGSMTable.IndexOf(cPlainText);
if (intGSMTable != -1)
int intExtendedTable = strExtendedTable.IndexOf(cPlainText);
if (intExtendedTable != -1)

return ms.ToArray();