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MessageID of concatanated message

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:12 pm
by andreasv
I'm planning to purchase Inetlab.SMPP and now i'm trying the API.
I have a question about concatenation. I already have read all similar posts in the forum and i have tested your SmppClientDemo.

Is it possible, when i send a long message, to get a unique MessageID for this ? (I mean not seperate ID for each part)
When i'm using PrepareSubmit and then Submit or SubmitText i have many MessageIDs as there are the parts of the long message.

(The AddMessageSegmentToCollector / RetrieveFullMessage never worked for me. data.SegmentNumber is always 0 )

Thank you

Re: MessageID of concatanated message

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:20 am
by alt
Hi Andreas,

There is no MessageID for long message in SMPP protocol. In protocol there is only 1 or 2 bytes reference number which generated by originator
so that a segmented short message may be reassembled into a single original message. It can be as User Data Header value or TLV parameter value.
And this reference number is unique only in one SMPP session.

Regarding "data.SegmentNumber is always 0" we need to check if DeliverSm packet really has concatenated parameters.
Could you post here log of received bytes like in SmppClientDemo?

Re: MessageID of concatanated message

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:33 pm
by andreasv
Hi alt,

I think i'm comfused yet. I will do some more tests on your examples and i will return. Thanks for your response.