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Memory issue after many (25k+) SmppServerClient Connects

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:22 pm
by NickAskew
Hi Alt,

Regarding SmppServerClient. I have a product published into Azure using this component and have been fighting a losing war with the Azure load balancers which open TCP connections every 15 seconds to each Cloud Service to monitor it's 'UP' status. Unfortunately this connection is being observed by the SmppServerClient and it raises a Connect for every 'probe' that the load balancer launches. This shouldn't cause any issues but unfortunately it appears the SmppServerClient library has a memory issue as after a lot of these (after around 25k connects) the service becomes unstable and requires rebooting.

I am currently using v1.1.17.0 of your source code. Is there anything I can do to mitigate this myself in the SmppServerClient source code? (I'd prefer not to have to go through a full test cycle again as it's been running perfectly until Microsoft activated all of their probes!)


Re: Memory issue after many (25k+) SmppServerClient Connects

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:24 pm
by alt
Hi Nick,

This issue is fixed.
Please send me a email message with your purchase number.