Lib Version : 2.9.28
I've found the following error :
Too long (Parameter 'S')
at SMSC.Smpp.Common.BufferWriter.WriteFString(String s, Int32 length) in SMSC.Smpp\Common\BufferWriter.cs:line 112
at SMSC.Smpp.Common.SmppWriter.Write(SubmitSm pdu, BufferWriter writer) in SMSC.Smpp\Common\SmppWriter.cs:line 417
at SMSC.Smpp.Common.SmppWriter.WritePDU(SmppPDU pdu, BufferWriter writer) in SMSC.Smpp\Common\SmppWriter.cs:line 151
at SMSC.Smpp.SmppSession.SerializePDU(SmppPDU pdu) in SMSC.Smpp\SmppSession.cs:line 599
at SMSC.Smpp.SmppSession.SendRequestInternal(SmppRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in SMSC.Smpp\SmppSession.cs:line 485
at SMSC.Smpp.SmppSession.SendRequestAsync[TRequest,TResponse](TRequest request) in SMSC.Smpp\SmppSession.cs:line 434
at SMSC.Smpp.SmppClientBase.SendRequestAsync[TRequest,TResponse](TRequest request) in SMSC.Smpp\SmppClientBase.cs:line 537
at SMSC.Smpp.SmppClient.SubmitAsync(IEnumerable`1 pduList) in SMSC.Smpp\SmppClient.cs:line 389
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException : Too long (Parameter 'S')
Re: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException : Too long (Parameter 'S')
It looks like the property ScheduledDeliveryTime or ValidityPeriod has incorrect value in SubmirSm instance.
Could you help me to reproduce the error?
I think the same exception should be thrown when you set the values for SubmitSm instance and try to serialize it
Could you help me to reproduce the error?
I think the same exception should be thrown when you set the values for SubmitSm instance and try to serialize it
Code: Select all
ver byteArray = submitSm.Serialze(_client.EncodingMapper);