Sequence Number when sending async

.NET library for SMPP protocol
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Sequence Number when sending async

Post by majortargets » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:54 am

Hi Support,

I am using below code to get sequence number when sending message async to the SMSC but the sequence number that I get back from client_evSubmitComplete is different from the one i get from my code below.
Dim pduBuilder As ISubmitSmBuilder = SMS.ForSubmit()
pduBuilder.From(srcAdr, srcTon, srcNpi)
pduBuilder.To(dstAdr, dstTon, dstNpi)
' pduBuilder.[Set](Sub(sm As SubmitSm) sm.Sequence = seq) ' _client.SequenceGenerator.NextSequenceNumber())
For Each _pdu In pduBuilder.Create(_client)
addtolog(String.Format("id={0} and sequence={1}", i.ToString, _pdu.Sequence)
1. I want to know if i am capturing the sequence number correctly.
2. Has this version solve the issue of tracking async messages
3. What is are the difference between messages catured by OnFullMessageTimedout and OnFullMessageReceived to those ones received in client_evDeliverSm
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Re: Sequence Number when sending async

Post by alt » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:52 am

Hi majortargets,

1. Yes, in log file you should get correct sequence numbers that you have sent. But in evSubmitComplete you can get same sequence numbers from the server, but in different order.
2. In the version 1.1.14 event evSubmitComplete will be raised also in case of response timeout. did you mean this issue?
3. evDeliverSm receives only one part of concatenated messages. OnFullMessageReceived runs when all parts of concatenated messages have been received.
OnFullMessageTimedout runs when NOT ALL parts of concatenated message have been received in time.